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from our blog

Take a look at our blog to stay up to date with the latest fly-fishing experiences, tours, tips, and tricks. Our blogs are often written by our very own instructors on tour guides so you can get a feeling of the quality fishing you'll enjoy at Majestic Rivers.

Majestic Rivers Exploration

In November 2021, I was honoured to receive a phone call from Keven Stander asking if I could come through to his new lodge....


News from the River

Updates from Majestic Rivers; new chef, more fish, camp renovations and many exciting trips planned.


Dan Smith Trip

Dan flew out from the States for a solo week of fishing at Majestic Rivers


SADC Special - 2023 Season ONLY

Huge SADC special! $600 pp/pn ALL IN!


Some Insight into a Seasonal Fishing Outfit

Majestic Rivers is a seasonal fishing destination due to Tanzania having a 'rainy' season that creates flooding.

Majestic Rivers Info

John Bosman Talks Tigers

I have been obsessed with tiger fishing and have spent the last 10 years trying to figure them out...

Majestic Rivers Info

The Great Njege 2 Rescue!

In January of this year, we embarked on a rather unconventional mission...


Majestic Days

Before I left for my journey, there was nothing that could prepare me for the adventures that awaited.


Angling Adventures Visits Majestic Rivers - Blog by Lionel Song

It is always nice to see new guests getting to grips with the anomaly that is called Tigerfish...

Guest Trips

It Was Time For A Change!

Our commitment to constant improvement extends beyond our camp facilities...

The Silver Lining of Tanzania's Recent Floods: A Promising Tiger Fishing Season in 2024

As many of you know, Tanzania recently faced severe flooding, impacting many communities and presenting significant challenges.

The Rishing Waters of the Nyerere Dam

How many boats lost to the Nyerere Dam is too many? We hope three is our limit.

Majestic Rivers Info


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