incredible river FISHING

Majestic Rivers is home to five different and untouched river sources. Operated by world-class guides. We offer incredible fishing, wildlife, history and wilderness.

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THE Location

Majestic Rivers is located in the world famous Selous Reserve in Tanzania. The lodge sits on the river banks of the Kilombero River and upstream of the Shughuli Falls.

The concession spreads over a large, pristine area of the Kilombero. Ranging from rapids, waterfalls, islands, and sandbanks.

As the area is seasonal (due to annual rains), in March, April & May, the camp is not accessible. For sports fishing, Majestic Rivers has tremendous worldwide appeal, and Tanzania has built up a reputation through Kilombero North Safari’s fishing division, on the Mnyera & Ruhudji rivers to offer one of the most sought after fishing experiences in the world.

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your ultimate EXPERIENCE


The Majestic Rivers fishery is diverse and topographically, this river is a marvel. From braided streams to waterfalls to deep runs to sandy straights....the list goes on and on. From a fishing perspective, this is very exciting as you are never fishing the same type of water, over and over, every day is a new day with new water, new challenges and new potential. This is the place for a fisherman who loves a challenge and enjoys an adventure, every day the experience will be something different and exciting.

There are over fifteen documented species of fish found in the rivers here, ranging from the Zambezi Parrotfish to one of the hardest fighting freshwater species there is, the Tanzanian Blue Tiger Fish. There are of course other species you might catch while targeting the above such as Tilapia and the African Mottled Eel that can grow up to a staggering weight of 20 kilograms.

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The family Labeobarbus is truly extensive throughout Africa with many varieties. In this system, there are three distinct varieties of Labeobarbus, or yellowfish. Their renowned fighting endurance makes them a popular fish to target. Reaching sizes up to 20lbs, yellowfish can be extremely difficult to catch, often requiring a delicate presentation with light tippet, in intricate and fast flowing conditions. Sight-fishing individual fish is often the required approach, offering a hugely memorable experience.


African tetras (family Alestidae, formerly spelled Alestiidae) are a group of characiform fish exclusively found in Africa. The variety found in this system is commonly known as the ‘toothless tiger’ as their shape, size, and colour are representative of the tigerfish, otherwise boasting a series ofmolars within a square mouth. They are an omnivorous fish, but can be very inclined to take flies, artificials, and even bait. Growing up to a known 15lbs, these fish are truly enjoyable to catch.


Found only in the East-flowing rivers of Tanzania, the Tanzanian tigerfish is a large, predatory fish known to reach sizes nearing 30lbs. Tigerfish are renowned for their fighting spirit and aggressive nature, providing anglers with an exhilarating challenge when trying to catch them. They produce powerful runs and acrobatic leaps when hooked, making them one of the most sought-after freshwater fish on the planet.


The vundu is found widely in freshwater habitats throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. The vundu is one of the largest true, freshwater fish in Africa reaching weights of well over 100lbs. They deliver an extremely powerful fight and push your tackle to the limits. Typically, these fish are bottom feeders and difficult to catch on anything other than bait. Uniquely, vundu in these waters present themselves frequently on the surface and are very obliging to eat flies and artificials, offering a once in a lifetime fishing opportunity to catch vundu on fly!


The Kitoga is a Bagrid barbel variety, found only in these wild Tanzanian waters. They are largely unknown to international anglers but deliver some of the most memorable fishing encounters in our system. They are a large, aggressive catfish that actively predate, unlike their bottom feeding relatives. Kitoga are strong and powerful in fight, often mistaken for tigerfish when hitting a lure or fly. Reaching sizes exceeding 40lbs, they add a very exciting angle to our fishing experience.

The Fishery

This extraordinary fishery is diverse and pristine. With spectacular topography and an abundance of untouched water, this destination is truly an angling paradise. Amidst a tapestry of ecosystems, you & discover cascading waterfalls, rushing white waters, serene deep sections, and intricate rocky and sandy beds. These productive rivers converge into the magnificent Nyerere Dam, teeming with bait and boasting an impressive array of trophy fish. Nestled central to this angling wonderland, our Camp offers unparalleled access to a lifetime’s worth of prime fishing opportunities. Here lies vast populations of fish yet to ever see a fly or lure. Embark on a true adventure where every cast promises an authentic experience, with endless potential.

The Rivers

Kilombero River

Our Camp sits on the banks of the Kilombero River with quality fishing at our doorstep. This magnificent river is our prime fishing water and holds great variety on its own. The beats above and below Camp comprise over 40km of fishable river. Upriver beats cover deep and slower pools, broken by prominent rock formations and sections of fast-flowing water.

The Luhombero River

The Luhumbero flows into the Kilombero approximately 40km upstream from Camp. This is asmaller river than the Kilombero, largely bedded by sand and silt. It is most productive and accessible in the early season before water levels drop. In prime condition, this river has great water clarity. The Luhombero remains largely unexplored by us but holds outstanding tigerfish potential from the exploratory fishing performed.

Luwegu River

The Luwegu River confluences with the Kilombero at Shughuli Falls, flowing into Nyerere Dam.This confluence is an extremely productive portion of water with magnificent potential as the Dam eco-system develops. This river has hardly been touched psicatorially, and this remains a hidden gem with stories of very large tigerfish. The Luwegu has excellent water clarity and offers fantastic sight fishing.

The Ulanga River

This river forms below the confluence of the Kilombero and Luwegu rivers basically creating the Shuguli falls. Below the falls the Ulanga River emerges out of an impressive gorge and flattens out into a rather serene picturesque river that had produced many a double-figure tigerfish. This area will be underwater in the coming years, as the gorge 110km below has now been dammed. This interestingly enough will produce an environment very similar to Kariba and one can only imagine the size that the Tanzanian tigers will grow to. We wait in great anticipation!

Nyerere Dam

Before the construction of the Nyerere Hydro Dam at Stiegler’s Gorge in 2019, the Ulanga River flowed between Shughuli Falls and the Great Ruaha confluence. The Dam has since filled into a body of water over 1,200km² in the heart of this beautiful eco-system. The dam has provided increasingly productive sport fishing opportunities. Fish populations are vibrant, accommodating large numbers of predatory fish. We expect this fishery to produce world-class tigerfish exceeding what we know to inhabit these rivers.

The Great Ruaha River

The Great Ruaha lies two hours to the north of Camp and flows into Nyerere Dam about 80km below Shughuli Falls. This river holds legends of exceptional tigerfish. This river poses exciting prospects for adventurous anglers keen to experience a wild-camping fishing expedition. The true potential of this fishery has yet to be unlocked.

comfortable and picturesque

THE camp

Our camp offers six comfortable Meru tents (doubles), nestled beneath shaded riverine treesoverlooking the Kilombero River. Each tent features en suite facilities including a shower, basin,flush toilet, and hot water. The tents also includes a desk space with charging facilities (UK 3-prong), a sofa and coffee table, and outdoor veranda furniture for added leisure. Enjoy the convenience of daily laundry services and stay connected with satellite WIFI. The Camp is powered by a generator, with select appliances like fans running on battery for your convenience.

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encounters at close quarters

THE Wildlife

Situated in the heart of Nyerere National Park, the game and wildlife experience is truly special. The Msolwa Sector of Nyerere Park is largely composed of dense Miombo woodland, home to excellent wildlife populations and varieties. Animals often concentrate along the rivers during the dry season, offering spectacular sightings. The thick vegetation can make game viewing difficult in areas, but does produce exciting wildlife encounters at close quarters.

In the Msolwa sector, don’t expect the same congregations of wild animals as in other Tanzanian National Parks, with its woodland landscape and hunting background. Extraordinary numbers of hippos and crocodiles are visible along the river, and its common to see antelope, vast amounts of birdlife, and perhaps a grazing herd of buffalo. One must be lucky to encounter lions, leopards, wild dogs, or elephants whilst fishing. If desired, game drives, walking safaris, and night game drives are easily arranged to search specifically for big game.

It is very possible to encounter dangerous game, but the team are well positioned to ensure safety around camp or on excursions, maintaining our 100% safety record. Beyond the fishing, the experience of being in a truly remote and pristine location is unrivaled. A fishing trip with Majestic Rivers is a genuine adventure in an extraordinary location.


the team

Meet our talented and experienced guides who'll be ensuring you have the ultimate fishing experience in this amazing location. Knowledgable on the best locations and how to properly use your gear they'll ensure you catch the best Tanzania has to offer.


Keven is a seasoned river fisherman but he also has over two decades of hospitality and culinary expertise & experience. Rest assured, he will ensure your fishing excursion at the Shughuli Ndogo Camp will be one to remember. 

Email: keven@majesticrivers.com
john bosman

John brings more than just his fishing expertise to Majestic Rivers Fishing Safaris, he brings his life-long passion for the outdoors and commitment to making sure that areas such as these will be here long after we have all turned to dust.

Email: john@majesticrivers.com
Benson kibonde

Benson has multiple qualifications in nature conservation and wildlife management. Benson is the Former Chief Warden and was the leader of all GTZ and KfW projects in Selous Game Reserve.

Email: benson@majesticrivers.com
Harry Charalambous

Harry has been fortunate to live and work around wildlife and tourism all his life. Conservation and community upliftment are at the core of his principles. He focuses on bringing unique and unforgettable experiences to his guests.

Email: harry@majesticrivers.com
Anthony Nyagonde

Anthony Nyagonde is the head of Finance for MRFS. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce & Management (B-Com Accounting) and an MBA from the University of Dar es Salaam. He holds a CAP (T) and has more than 18 years of accounting practice experience. He has worked together with Keven Stander for over 9 years.

Email: finance@majesticrivers.com
Anthony Picture
stuart harley

For the past decade and some, Stu has guided, worked and explored throughout Africa in some of the most remote and extreme destinations. Combining his experience with a passion for the preservation and conservation of Africa's wildlife and water systems through tourism.

Email: info@majesticrivers.com
Anthony Picture
kendyll coulson

Kendyll is the head of Marketing for MRFS. With years of digital marketing experience behind her, as well as a love for the outdoors and conservation, she brings the creative flare to our team.

Email: marketing@majesticrivers.com

Lionel has been professionally guiding all over Africa since 1987. He has covered all aspects of tourism from trail guiding, fishing, lodge management etc. He is passionate about fish and wildlife and anything that creeps, slides or crawls. Snakes, scorpions and spiders being some of his favourites.

Email: lionel@majesticrivers.com
Anthony Picture
Alasdair grassie

Alasdair has been a fly-fisherman since the age of five in the highlands of Scotland. He moved to Africa in 2019 and has been focused on Tanzanian freshwater species ever since, with a particular fascination in targeting Yellowfish. A keen climber and mountaineer, he has a brilliant sense of adventure and and joins the team to help discover the uncharted waters that Majestic Rivers has to offer.

Email: info@majesticrivers.com
hear it from our guests


"Thanks, Keven for hosting us, Ryan for organising and all the guys for making it a weekend to remember. Great weekend, super fun. Let’s do it again soon."
"Ryan - thanks for organizing. Keven - thanks for taking us to a little slice of heaven. Lionel, Alasdair - thanks for all the guiding. Epic weekend. Grateful to be included. Psyched to catch my first little tiger and yellow. Now on to bigger fish.  I suggest we make it an annual.  Same time next year."
"Thanks guys, great power weekend, lots and lots of fun. Laughed hard and had a awesome time. Thank you Kev, Lionel and team, the operation is really good."
"Thank you all for a great weekend tour. Ryan, legend for putting it together. Majestic rivers team did a great job, from food, service, camp and guides. Well done to Keven and the team. Awesome weekend."
"Absolutely World Class huge thanks to Lionel, Alasdair and the entire Majestic River team for looking after us so well. Could not have asked for more. Asante Sane."
"World class - thank you to all involved in putting this weekend together and making it work. Greatly appreciated, liver now in rest mode and soul missing the bush and fishing already. The team at camp were 10/10, big things coming with an operation as smooth as this one… Hongera and Asante."


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